The Bates Outback is measured a like a traditional stock saddle from the highest point of the pommel to the center of the cantle inside cantle thickness This saddle will fit differently that an English style saddle and therefore the seat sizes canno

The Bates Outback is measured a like a traditional stock saddle from the highest point of the pommel to the center of the cantle inside cantle thickness This saddle will fit differently that an English style saddle and therefore the seat sizes canno
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Bates Outback Heritage with Swinging Fender CAIR

Bates Outback Heritage with Swinging Fender CAIR. The Bates Outback is measured a like a traditional stock saddle - from the highest point of the pommel to the center of the ca... - Bates Outback Heritage with Swinging Fender CAIR.

More Information

The Bates Outback is measured a like a traditional stock saddle from the highest point of the pommel to the center of the cantle inside cantle thickness This saddle will fit differently that an English style saddle and therefore the seat sizes canno
The Bates Outback is measured a like a traditional stock saddle from the highest point of the pommel to the center of the cantle inside cantle thickness This saddle will fit differently that an English style saddle and therefore the seat sizes canno

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The Bates Outback is measured a like a traditional stock saddle from the highest point of the pommel to the center of the cantle inside cantle thickness This saddle will fit differently that an English style saddle and therefore the seat sizes canno . The Bates Outback is measured a like a traditional stock saddle from the highest point of the pommel to the center of the cantle inside cantle thickness This saddle will fit differently that an English style saddle and therefore the seat sizes canno At The Compare To Shop Center.