The seven style shank prevents the horse from � Slipping� � the bit The four moving parts allow the horse to respond to subtle rein pressure which greatly reduces heavy rein handling Copper bars keep the horse� s mouth moist This bit can be used in an

The seven style shank prevents the horse from � Slipping� � the bit The four moving parts allow the horse to respond to subtle rein pressure which greatly reduces heavy rein handling Copper bars keep the horse� s mouth moist This bit can be used in an
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The seven style shank prevents the horse from � Slipping� � the bit The four moving parts allow the horse to respond to subtle rein pressure which greatly reduces heavy rein handling Copper bars keep the horse� s mouth moist This bit can be used in an

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The seven style shank prevents the horse from � Slipping� � the bit The four moving parts allow the horse to respond to subtle rein pressure which greatly reduces heavy rein handling Copper bars keep the horse� s mouth moist This bit can be used in an . The seven style shank prevents the horse from � Slipping� � the bit The four moving parts allow the horse to respond to subtle rein pressure which greatly reduces heavy rein handling Copper bars keep the horse� s mouth moist This bit can be used in an At The Compare To Shop Center.